STEPS: ############################# Files to delete N days ago 1. install with dpkg -i delete-recordings_1.0-1_amd64.deb 2. You will get two below commands enable-cronjob-delete-recordings disable-crontab-delete-recordings enable-cronjob-delete-recordings : When this command will run below cronjob will be active. 0 5 1 * * /usr/bin/python3 /usr/share/coraltele/delete-recordings/ 0 5 1 * * /usr/bin/python3 /usr/share/coraltele/delete-recordings/ : Will delete files directly in the folder : Will delete the files where files are in folder This cron is hard coded and run on every 1st of every month @ 5A.M Cron will delete 63 days old files /usr/share/coraltele/delete-recordings/ - path is /home/coralswitch/recordings /usr/share/coraltele/delete-recordings/ - path is /home/coralswitch/sbcrecordings disable-crontab-delete-recordings : To disable above cron run the below N - no. of days of you want to retain the files Path - path to delete files